Aug 30, 2019
Aug 28, 2019
Krista chats with client, and rock star agent, Shemeika Fox from Santa Cruz, CA.
Shemeika has completely implemented Krista's program and has reaped the benefits.
More importantly, it's her birthday week, so let's gove Shemeika some love and applaud her many wins!
Aug 26, 2019
Krista really believes that marketing is your golden ticket!
Spending money on marketing will reap positive benefits - it's one of the most important facets of your business.
Spending money to make MORE money is a REAL factor to success, so put that money where it really matters...MARKETING!
Aug 23, 2019
We all know the ABC's of Sales (always be closing).
Krista believes in the ABL's - Always Be Learning.
As a former school teacher, learning is a passion, and it's what
sets her apart in her business. It will definitely be the key
for you, too!
Today, she shares with you her philosophy on learning, and gives some tips...
Aug 21, 2019
Krista catches up with her super-star client, Tara Coyle, of Coyle & Verbene Real Estate in Folsom, CA.
Tara began Krista's coaching program as a newer agent, and within months, she and her partner were closing a record number of deals, and even had to hire staff!
Tara implemented Krista's techniques, so listen in and...